First and foremost, we are about coffee. This is what
we do. This begins with the beans we select and carries through to the
roasting, brewing, storage, and sale of our coffees.
We roast using a Probot L-12 roaster, a small batch drum
style roaster, which roasts 25 pounds per batch. Small batches means that
everything is fresh. We prefer drum roasting roasts because it roasts the
coffee bean deeply and better preserves the oils and other flavor nuances.
Our coffees are available for retail, wholesale, and office
consumption. They are also put to the test daily in our two Lookout Joe
Life is too short for bad coffee.
coffee roaster espresso Jamaican blue mountain Kona Kenyan Cincinnati Yauco coffee

Member of the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA)

We proudly support Coffee Kids, and organization dedicated to improving
the lives of coffee farmers around the world.