Roasting, selling, shipping, brewing, and drinking coffees from around the world since 1992, Lookout Joe strives to provide everyone from the beginner to the coffee connoisseur with a casual, informative atmosphere in which to enjoy, experience, and learn about one of the world’s premier beverages. Our website aims to provide you with insight into who we are, what we do, and how you can get some of our coffee, too. Because even though we love to drink the stuff (and boy do we drink a lot of it!) we can always make more than we can consume ourselves. So, to pay for the coffee beans themselves, and all the other necessities of life, we happily sell our beans unroasted, roasted, whole bean, ground, and brewed. Have a look around and let Lookout Joe meet your caffeination needs.
We encourage and support the Fair Trade movement and its mission to build a more equitable and sustainable model
of international trade that benefits producers, consumers, industry and the earth. We offer several Fair Trade
Certified coffees as certified through Transfair USA.
We proudly support Coffee Kids, and organization dedicated to improving the lives of coffee farmers around the world.